Why is it called HowlCon?

Howls were historically what in-person meet-ups were called in the were community (the precurser to the therian community). These meet-ups were often hosted outside and held over the course of a weekend. Fun fact, the first ever howl was called the Harvest Howl. It was organized in 1994 by AHWW user Smash Greywolf.

Members went camping somewhere in the Ohio wilderness to "socialize, get to know one another, howl at the moon, leap over raging bonfires, and to generally share the camaraderie that exists amongst members of the cyberpack".

Our event is called HowlCon to mash up tradition with our digital age and create a new kind of howl.

Learn more about howls on the Otherkin Wiki

Can I attend if I'm not alterhuman or nonhuman?

Yes! While our main audience is alterhumans and nonhumans, anyone is welcome to attend and learn about our community.

Will panels be recorded?

Yes they will! Recorded panels will be uploaded to the con YouTube following the event. Our YouTube channel can be found here.

Is this event in-person?

While howls were traditionally in-person meet-ups, this event is virtual.

How do I attend?

The con will be hosted on discord and attendance is FREE. Announcements will be made when registration opens (dates are in the side bars for when to expect that). When it opens, you'll need to fill out a google form with some basic information. Then, a couple days before the con, you'll be sent an email that will allow you to access the con server.